A Wheelie Good Time: How To Make World Bicycle Day Unforgettable

Joanna Marie Santos

June 1, 2023

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There are many important celebrations in June this year, but not many people are aware that an international holiday meant to celebrate the sport of biking is hiding alongside our federal holidays. World Bicycle Day is a global celebration meant to promote the benefits of cycling, including fun! According to an article published by the United Nations, bicycling and other forms of activity with regular to moderate physical exertion are promoted by the World Health Organization as some of the best ways to keep our bodies active while reducing the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

As parents, it is our job to promote the health of our children, and what better way to do so than to disguise exercise as a fun outdoor activity? Not only is biking fun and healthy, but it is also a cost-effective mode of transportation that we can begin training our children to use from an early age. As dads, most of us prefer to spend quality time with our children through activities that can be educational yet interactive and memorable. World Bicycle Day is the perfect opportunity to have fun with our family while creating memorable experiences and skills that they can use in their daily lives.

If you’re wondering what to do this weekend, celebrating World Bicycle Day with your family can be a good idea. In this article, we will discuss some World Bicycle Day activities you can enjoy with your family. Make sure to follow biking safety precautions to not only make World Bicycle Day fun and unforgettable but also safe and educational!

World Bicycle Day Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Children

As dads, World Bicycle Day presents a perfect opportunity to teach your kids how to ride a bike, spend time with them as you travel along a pre-planned bike route, or even learn how to ride a bike yourself! Biking offers numerous health benefits and can be the perfect avenue to use if you want your family to develop healthy habits and activities.

Below are some activities you can enjoy with your family on World Bicycle Day:

Biking Essentials: 101

Image from First Cry Parenting

Have small kids that have always wanted to learn how to ride a bike? Plan it ahead of time and surprise them with a fun day out to learn how to ride a bicycle! Your children, regardless of age, can learn on World Bicycle Day. You can even schedule a day out with your adult kids who never had the time to learn before! 

To learn how to ride bicycles, you need, of course, bicycles. Scout your area for the nearest and safest parks for riding bikes with rentable equipment. If you have your own bicycle, you can always choose to learn on a street, as long as it's not a busy one.  

A Whole Day Of Family Bicycle Outing

Image from Liv Cycling

If everyone in your family already knows how to ride a bike, World Bicycle Day is the perfect time to travel outside and enjoy quality time together. When planning outdoor activities such as bicycle outings, it is important to consider everyone’s needs and capabilities. If you have a very active family that really loves biking, you can plan a bicycle outing on a real biking route with beautiful scenery and challenging landscapes. 

For family members that have beginner to intermediate skills in biking, choose a safer and calmer environment to travel, where bikers are given priority and right of way. During family bicycle outings, it’s always a nice idea to choose a route with beautiful views that your family can appreciate while riding their bikes. This way, your family can enjoy their time regardless of their present skills in riding a bike.

A Family Day Trip: Bikes And Pies

Image from kitchn.com

If you’re looking for a fun World Bicycle Day activity idea that is not too exhausting, you can always plan a bike picnic activity with your family. Pick a family-friendly spot with a wide, open space where you and your kids can ride their bikes before or after enjoying a nice family picnic. You can either spend your time biking with your kids or watch them enjoy their time from the comfort of a picnic blanket with a sandwich in your hand and a drink in the other.

A World Of Fun During World Bicycle Day

As a fun activity and a generally healthy hobby, practicing bicycling can benefit both your family’s health and bond. World Bicycle Day is an excellent opportunity for parents to celebrate and learn the importance of low-impact activities like biking. Check your calendars and make sure to clear your schedules on June 3 so that you can spend the entire day with your family and create unforgettable memories together.