A Harmonious Home: Your Easy Guide To Different Parenting Styles

Joanna Marie Santos

May 24, 2023

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Parents are the most important figure in children’s lives. For most, becoming one has brought about significant changes in their personal lives and how they deal with certain situations as they know that kids are watching and absorbing every little detail they do. While there is no ‘perfect’ or ‘right’ way to parent your kids, having the balance of parenting styles between you and your partner makes a lifelong impact in creating a healthy, nurturing family environment for your little ones. 

Fret not, we know how tough raising kids is, yet it is also true that it’s the most fulfilling job in the world–especially if you came to the battlefield prepared. Look no further as we share with you the types of parenting styles you’ll need to keep in mind, why they matter, and how conducive these styles are in developing your kids’ little bubble called life. 

4 Types of Parenting Styles and Why They Matter

The moment couples bear a child, their journey and responsibility of becoming a parent begin. However, in most cases, parents have different approaches to raising their kids depending on their personal backgrounds and experiences. Meanwhile, experts have divided four parenting styles in which parents attempt to control, give authority, and socialize with their kids– including Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. 

Authoritarian Parenting

In this parenting style, parents expect children to follow the rules provided by them without any exceptions. Such parents don’t take their kids’ feelings and opinions into consideration as they make strict rules that the child must obey no matter what. Hence, there is little to no room for negotiation from the child, and parents don’t give explanations as to why they created such rules. 

Pros: Creates a sense of structure and discipline, giving kids a strong sense of responsibility when they grow up.

Cons: Negative self-perception, builds high self-esteem issues, and always feels the need to say and feel sorry when things don’t go as planned.

Authoritative Parenting

The most ideal parenting style, authoritative parenting lets their child grow up in a more healthy and functional family environment. Here, parents put a lot of work and effort into maintaining a positive relationship with one another by providing clear expectations and rules and explaining why it is needed. Opinions and feelings are all taken into account.  

Pros: Develops a good sense of decision-making and heightens self-trust and confidence 

Cons: Acquire too much independence that they might go through phases of rebellion and anger issues, which parents don’t expect from their kids as they raised them the best way possible.

Permissive Parenting

This style of parenting lets children figure things out by themselves. Permissive parents are quite forgiving and tend to be warm, loving, caring, and set little to no expectations from their children. They prefer not to impose things and rules on their kids as they think children will learn best without any interference from parents. 

Pros: Gives child freedom and independence

Cons: Lack of responsibility from the child which can lead to negative habits

Uninvolved Parenting

Parents who make time to listen, provide constant support, and take their child’s concerns into consideration are just some of the approaches that uninvolved parents don’t do. Yes, uninvolved parents disregard their children’s emotional needs and don’t spend time and energy knowing their child’s whereabouts. In most cases, there is little to no interaction that happens between parents and their kids, which creates a dysfunctional family in the long run. 

Pros: Allows children to behave the way they want, with no punishments/sanctions from their parents. Such kids are said to be more resilient and self-sufficient than other kids–but skills like these develop out of necessity. 

Cons: Children have a tendency to become antisocial and become adept in detachment. 

A Perfect Balance of Parenting Styles by Dads and Moms

Being a parent requires a team effort. Although differences in raising a child are inevitable, here are some parenting styles of Dads and Moms like you that keeps the perfect balance out of parenting–which are both necessary for a child's growth and development.  

Dads often teach their toddlers how to be resilient; Moms are usually there to help and pick them up right away.

When toddlers stumble and fall down, the initial reaction of moms is to carry and soothe them. However, in most instances, dads do the opposite. They will let their toddlers stand up on their own and figure out how to go on afterward. This parenting style of both Dads and moms leaves significant qualities in life that toddlers acquire while growing up.

Some dads usually use grown-up words; Some moms tend to use baby talk to show support and empathy with their kids.

Admit it or not, doing baby talk creates a different connection between you and your newborn or toddler. Although dads do baby talk too (it’s normal!), it is moms that tend to do it more frequently. Dads, on the other hand, use grown-up words and talk normally as adults do. This lets the child become aware of conversational communication but also makes them feel vulnerable and safe in a way. 

Some dads let their kids risk things; Moms tend to be afraid to let their kids go on their own.

Dads are protective. It's a fact. However, they are more open to letting their kids grow their wings outside their supervision than moms–allowing their kids to navigate how the world works. Recognizing this is important as it will eventually make their child explore and do their own way of living. 

Dads usually make simple chores fun; Moms can look at them in a more serious manner.

Every time is playtime for dads. Even a seemingly simple chore like diaper-changing, taking a bath, or brushing their kid’s teeth, dads always make sure to keep these things fun while also getting the job done. Meanwhile, moms tend to look at these as a chore and take it seriously and get things done more efficiently than dads.

Dads can be really goofy; Some moms can be super serious (in a way).

Dads are effortlessly funny. Spontaneity in their sudden ‘dad jokes’ makes the energy of the room lighter, making serious moms laugh till both of them are gasping their breath already. It is the humor of both partners that let the kid see two loving individuals who, despite differences, are dedicated to maintaining healthy relationships. 

The Importance Of Maintaining Harmony In Different Parenting Styles

Parenting can manifest in many different ways including one’s behavior, attitude, tone of voice, parental duties, discipline, and the short-term and long-term goals they set for their children. It is an evolving process, hence the uncertainties you will encounter along the way. 

But, what makes it fulfilling is when you know you have exerted enough time, effort, and commitment in establishing authority with your kids in a healthy manner–regardless of the differences you and your partner have. With willingness and dedication to become the best parent you can be, you will reap the benefits once your child becomes older and acquire qualities that a responsible individual has, all thanks to you and your partner.